Empowering Young Generation in Indonesia Through QNB Indonesia Goes to School: Smart Start Finances Programme

Empowering Young Generation in Indonesia Through QNB Indonesia Goes to School: Smart Start Finances Programme

1 March 2024 – Bank QNB Indonesia once again implemented the QNB Indonesia Goes to School Programme in 2024. The programme is the Bank's annual activity, which conducted as part of its long term commitment to support financial literacy in Indonesia, especially among students.

As many as 60 students from SMKN 66 Jakarta participated in this activity. Not only providing financial education, the programme also highlighted the topic of entrepreneurship where the students are invited to sharpen their business skills through interactive games and simulation. 

The Bank believes that with a good financial literacy, young generation in Indonesia can build a more prosperous future.

On this occasion, Bank QNB Indonesia also continued its initiative to donate personal computers (PC), which has been conducted since the beginning of the year. It is hoped that this would support the learning process at the school. The good initiative will be conducted until the end of the year.