Closing of QNB Indonesia Sub-branch Office

1 September 2020 – Dear Valued Customers, referring to the Financial Services Authority approval letter on "The Closing of Sub-branch PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk", we would like to inform you that the Sub-branch Office (KCP) below will officially be closed effectively as of 14 September 2020. 


No. Sub-branch Office Address Designated Sub-branch Office Address OJK Approval Letter

Puri Indah

Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok I No. 19

Jakarta 11610

Tel: (+62 21) 583 54666

Central Park 

Komplek Central Park

Ruko Garden Shopping Arcade

Blok Beaufort 8 No. 8EJ

Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Kav. 5 – 9

Jakarta 11470

Tel : (+62 21) 292 06400

No. S-23/PB.121/2020

dated 13 August 2020

In regards to the branch closing, we advise our loyal Customers to enjoy banking services at the designated Sub-branch Office starting from 14 September 2020.

Thank you for your attention.



PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk