Closing of QNB Indonesia Makassar Branch Office

14 December 2020 – Dear Valued Customers, referring to the Financial Services Authority approval letter on "The Closing of PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk Branch", we would like to inform you that the Branch Office below will officially be closed effectively as of 21 December 2020. 


No. Branch Office Address Designated Branch Office Address OJK Approval Letter


Jl. Veteran No. 402

Makassar 90124

Tel: (+62 411) 853 422

Semarang Gajah Mada

Jl. Gajah Mada No. 101 B

Semarang 50134

Tel : (+62 24) 865 69099

No. S-286/PB.12/2020

dated 5 August 2020

In regards to the branch closing, we advise our loyal Customers to enjoy banking services at the designated Branch Office starting from 21 December 2020.

Thank you for your attention.



PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk